Chinese Version (中文版)
NAME: Zhenyu Wang
TITLE: Assistant Professor
PHONE: +86 18627172003
EMAIL: zywang@mail.ccnu.edu.cn
WEB PAGE: http://chem.ccnu.edu.cn/
Insecticide molecular toxicology;
Insecticide resistance mechanism;
Insecticide mode of action;
Insecticide metabolism.
From 2006-2011, my research mainly focused on insecticide toxicology and insecticide resistance monitoring. The resistant mechanism of Imidacloprid in whitefly was studied with moleculor biology methods and a new P450 gene (CYP6CX4) which is responsible for imidacloprid resistance was found. The gene was functionally expressed with sf9 systerm and imidaclorid was successful metabolized by CYP6CX4.
From 2011-2017, my research mainly focused on insecticide mode of action and insecticide metabolism.
Pyridalyl is a newly discovered insecticide with unknown mode of action. A pyridalyl resistant diamondback moth strain has been successefully selected under laboratory conditions. Now we are using the next generation sequencing technology to compared the differences between the susceptible and resistant strains. The mode of action of pyridalyl will be analysed based on the sequencing data.
Pyridalyl and its potential metabolites in the excrement of Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera exiguawere investigated and two potential metabolites were found. This finding may help to analyse the action mode of pyridalyl.
2011 Ph.D., Entomology, Nanjing Agricultural University, the city of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
Thesis title: Imidacloprid resiatance mechanism of Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci.
2008 M.S., Entomology, Nanjing Agricultural University. the city of Nanjing, Jiang su Province, China.
Thesis title:Imidacloprid resiatance monitoring of Whitefly,Bemisia tabaci.
2006 B.S. Biology, Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohehot Municipality, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China.
Thesis title:I nteractionof insects and plants.
Year Experience
2011- 2017: Assistant professor, Department of Chemistry, Central China Normal University,
the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
2014-2017: Director, Plant Protection Society of Hubei province
1.National Science Fundation Program, 21302060, (Wang), Interaction between whitefly cytochrome P450 CYP6CX4 and imidacloprid. |
01/2013-12/2016 ¥250,000 |
2.State's Key Project of Research and Development Plan, 2016YFD020050-4, (Wang) New technology for reducing chemical Pesticides. |
01/2016-12/2021 ¥750,000 |
Kang-Li, L.I., Wang, L.L., Bao, Y.J., Xiong, B.,Wang, Z.Y*., 2016. Analysis of Interaction between Pesticide and Biological Macromolecules Based on High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Chinese J. Anal. Chem.
Wang, L., Nie, Y., Wang, Y.,Wang, Z*., Xiong, B., 2015. Qualitative and quantitative determinations of pyridalyl and metabolites in excrement of two representative Lepidoptera pests. Rsc Adv. 5, 103474–103479.
Li, J.,Wang, Z.Y., Wu, Q.Y., Yang, G.F*., 2015. Design, synthesis and insecticidal activity of novel 1,1-dichloropropene derivatives. Pest Manag. Sci. 71, 694–700. doi:10.1002/ps.3827
Wang, Z., Yao, M., Wu, Y*., 2009. Cross-resistance, inheritance and biochemical mechanisms of imidacloprid resistance in B-biotype Bemisia tabaci. Pest Manag. Sci. 65, 1189–1194.
Wang, Z.Y., Yan, H.F., Yang, Y.H., Wu, Y.D*., 2010. Biotype and insecticide resistance status of the whiteflyBemisia tabacifrom China. Pest Manag. Sci. 66, 1360–1366.
Wang, Z.Y., Ralf Nauen, Christoph T. Zimmer, Y.D. Wu*, 2017, Molecular and functional evidence for CYP6CX4overexpression as a new monooxygenase-based mechanism of resistance to neonicotinoids in Bemisia tabaci (Preparingfor For: Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
Yin C.Y, Z.K,Wang,Z.Y,Pyridalyl resistance monitoring of Diamond back moth (Linnaeus) in China.(Preparing)