Chinese Version (中文版)
2007- , Associate Professor, School of Chemistry, Central China Normal University.
2002/2006, Postdoctoral fellow, National Taiwan University.
1988/1991, Ph.D., Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1983/1986, M.S., Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1979/1983, B.E., Chemical Engineering Department, Taiyuan University of Technology.
Research Fields and Interests
1. Heterogeneous Catalysis
2. Inermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
3. Novel Dielectric Materials and Supercapacitors
Selected Publications
[1] Feng-Yun Wang, Guo-Bin Jung, Shi-Jun Luo, Lisha Xia, Li-Hsing Fang, Xuegang Song, Xiao Hao, GangYan, “Porous Sr2MgMo1-xVxO6-d ceramics as anode materials for SOFCs using biogas fuel” Catalysis Communication, 2015, 67(5), 108–111.
[2] Feng-Yun Wang, Guo-Bin Jung, Ay Su, Shih-Hung Chan, Xiang-Ai Li, Meng Duan, Yu-Chun Chiang, “Synthesis of nano-ceria powder of high thermal stability”, Materials Letters, 2009, 63(11), 952-954.
[3] Feng-Yun Wang, Guo-Bin Jung, Ay Su, Shih-Hung Chan, Xiao Hao, Yu-Chun Chiang, “Porous Ag–Ce 0.8Sm0.2O1.9 cermets as anode materials for intermediate temperature solidoxide fuel cells using CO fuel”,Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 185(2), 862–866.
[4] Feng-Yun Wang, Soofin Cheng, Ben-Zu Wan,“Porous Ag–CGO cermets as anode materials for ITSOFC using CO fuel” , Catalysis Communications, 2008, 9(7), 1595–1599.
[5] Feng-Yun Wang, Soofin Cheng, Ben-Zu Wan, Chen-HungChung, Mei-Ju Chen, “A novel method for preparing highly porous gadolinia-doped-ceria ceramics”, Ceramics International 2008, 34(8), 1989–1992.
[6] Feng-Yun Wang, Guo-Bin Jung, Ay Su, Shih-Hong Chan, Xiang-Ai Li, and Lifen Xiao, “Fabrication of the Highly Porous Samaria-Doped Ceria by Acid Leaching Magnesia from Magnesia-Samaria-Doped Ceria Ceramics”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90(10) 3357–3359 (2007).
[7] Feng-Yun Wang, Soofin Cheng, Chen-Hung Chung, Ben-Zu Wan,“Y2O3 and MgO co-doped ceriabased electrolytes”, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2006(Nov.), 10(11), 879-885.
[8] Feng-Yun Wang, Ben-Zu Wan, Soofin Cheng, “Study on Gd3+and Sm3+Co-dopedCeria Based Electrolytes”, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2005, 9(3), 168–173.
[9] Feng-Yun Wang, Songying Chen, and Soofin Cheng, “Gd3+and Sm3+Co-doped Ceria Based Electrolytes forIntermediateTemperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”, Electrochemistry Communications, 2004, 6(8), 743-746.
[10] Feng-Yun Wang, Songying Chen, Qi Wang, ShuxinYu and Soofin Cheng, “Study on Gd and MgCo-doped Ceria Electrolyte for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”, Catalysis Today, 2004(Oct.), 97(2-3), 189-194.