Chinese Version (中文版)
Associate Professor Li received her PhD in Science Education from Southwest University in 2011. She joined Central China Normal University at the sameyear. She was promoted to Associated Professor in 2014. Her current research mainly aims to science education, teacher education, measurement and assessment in education. Herresearch has resulted in 25 articles and 10 books.
Research Fields and Interests
Science Education, Teacher Education, Measurement and Assessment in Education
Selected Publications
Xiao-yu, C., Jia, L., Hou-xiong, W. (2016) The Research on Teaching Attribution of American High School Chemistry Textbook of teacher's version, Chemical Education, 37(17): 76-81.
Ying, F., Jia, L., Hou-xiong, W. (2016), Influencing Factors of Classroom Teaching Diagnostic Ability of Senior High School Chemistry Teachers, Chemical Education, 37 (5): 43-48.
Hong-zheng, D., Jia, L., Hou-xiong, W. (2015), Investigation on Teaching Diagnostic Ability of Secondary School Chemistry Teachers, Chemical Education, 36(1): 51-55.
Hou-xiong, W., Jia, L. (2013), Measurement and Evaluation in Chemistry education, Peking University Press.
Hai-rong, W., Jia, L.(2013), Progresses of School Moral Educational Curriculum Reform in Malaysian and Its Revelation, Comparative Education Review, (7) : 42-46.
Jia, L.,Hou-xiong, W. (2012), Investigationon the Evaluation Indicator of high school science textbooks based on thestudents’ view [J]. Theory and Practice of Education, 32(26): 46-49.
Hou-xiong, W. ,Jia,L.&Mu-zhou, L.(2012). the Fair of the university entrance exam:connotation and attribute,Journal of the Chinese Society of Education,(5):31-35.
Xiao-wei, T., Jia, L., Nai-qing, S. (2012), On the Implementation of Classroom Scientific Argumentation- A Comparative Study of Primary Science Class Cases in China and America, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, 32(5): 105-110.
Jia, L., Hou-xiong, W. (2012), The Characteristics and Functions of "Coin Experiment" in the American High School Chemistry Textbook, Chemical Teaching, (8): 78-80.
Jia, L. (2011), Comparative Study on the Indicator System of Evaluation of Chinese and American Physics Textbooks, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, 31(9): 99-103.
Honors and Awards
The third prize of science and technology progress prize of the chongqing science and technologyprize for 2015