Chinese Version (中文版)1. Personal Information
1. Name: Jin shan
Date and place of birth: Hubei province, 06.05.1974
Address: College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, P.R. China
2. Education
1991 – 1995 B.Sc, College of Chemistry, Hubei University
1999 – 2005 Ph.D, College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University
3. Research Experience
2005.5 – 2007.5 Postdoc, State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Xiamen
University (Prof. Tian Zhongqun);
2007.5 – 2009.6 Lecture, College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University;
2009.6 – Associate Professor, College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University
2016.11-2018.5 Academic visitor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University
of California Davis, USA
4.Research interest
Organometallic and Organic Molecular Wires
Design and synthesis of molecular wires, understanding of electron-transfer processes, based on mechanisms electron transport, single-molecule conductance, and spectroscopic techniques (SERS).
5. Selected Publication:
1. Haipeng B. Li, Yan-Feng Xi, Ze-Wen Hong, Jingxian Yu, Xiao-Xia Li, Wen-Xia Liu, Lucas Domulevicz, Shan Jin*, Xiao-Shun Zhou*, Joshua Hihath*, ACS Sensors 2021, 6, 565−572.
2. Feng Yan, Fang Chen, Xiao-Hui Wu, Jing Luo, Xiao-Shun Zhou*, John R. Horsley, Andrew D. Abell, Jingxian Yu*, Shan Jin*, and Bing-Wei Mao, Unique Metal Cation Recognition via Crown Ether-Derivatized Oligo(phenyleneethynylene) Molecular Junction. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 8496-8503
3. Xiao-Hui Wu, Fang Chen, Feng Yan, Lin-Qi Pei, Rong Hou, John R Horsley, Andrew D. Abell, Xiao-Shun Zhou,* Jingxian Yu,* Dong-Feng Li, Shan Jin,* and Bing-Wei Mao, Creating Precise Dual-molecule Junctions to Probe Intermolecular Crosstalk, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 30584−30590.
4. Shu-Li Qian, Meng-Lei Le, Xiao-Hui Wu, Wen-Xia Liu, Ming-Xia Yu, and Shan Jin*, Delocalization-to-Localization Charge Transition in Divinylthiophene-Bridged Biruthenium Complexes as a Function of Length of the Bridging Chain by Both IR Spectroscopy and Theoretical Investigations, J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 15425-15433.
5. Huang, B.; Liu, X.; Yuan, Y.; Hong, Z. W.; Zheng, J. F.; Pei, L. Q.; Shao, Y.; Li, J. F.; Zhou, X. S.*; Chen, J. Z.*; Jin, S.*; and Mao, B. W.*, Controlling and Observing Sharp-Valleyed Quantum Interference Effect in Single Molecular Junctions, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 17685.
6. Wen-Xia Liu, Feng Yan, Shu-Li Qian, Jin-Yu Ye, Xu Liu, Ming-Xia Yu, Xiao-Hui Wu, Meng-Lei Le, Zhi-You Zhou, Sheng-Hua Liu, Paul J. Low*, Shan Jin*, Electronic Structures of Divinylchalcogenophene-Bridged Biruthenium Complexes: Exploring Trends from O to Te, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 5015.
7.Dan-Dan Kong, Lu-Sha Xue, Rui Jang, Bin Liu, Xiang-Gao Meng, Shan Jin,* Ya-Ping Ou, Xiao Hao, and Sheng-Hua Liu,* Conformation tuning the intramolecular electronic coupling in biruthenium complexes molecular wires bridged by biphenyl derivatives, Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 9895.