Chinese Version (中文版)
FalongJia received his Ph. D. degree in chemical engineering from Tianjin University,China in 2006. After that, he joined in college of chemistry, Central China Normal University located at Wuhan and became anassociate professor of chemistry since 2011. He worked atdepartment of chemistry of Western University (Canada) as apostdoctor from 2010 to 2011. He has published more than 20 articles, such as Adv. Mater., Chem. Mater., Electrochem. Commun., and J. Mater. Chem.
Research Fields and Interests
His current research mainly aims to develop efficient catalysts for the conversion of CO2 to useful fuels through electro-catalytic or photo-catalytic routes.
Representative publications
1. Quan, F.; Zhong, D.;Song, H.; Jia, F.*; Zhang,L., A highly efficient zinc catalyst for selective electroreduction of carbon dioxide in aqueous NaCl solution, J. Mater. Chem. A 2015, 3, 16409.
2. Zhang, H., Ma, Y., Quan, F., Huang, J., Jia, F.*; Zhang, L. Selective electro-reduction of CO2 to formate on nanostructured bi from reduction of bioclnanosheets, Electrochem. Commun. 2014, 46, 63.
3.Jia, F.*; Yu, X.; Zhang, L., Enhanced selectivity for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to alcohols in aqueous solution with nanostructured Cu–Au alloy as catalyst, J. Power Sources, 2014, 252, 85.
4.Jia, F.*; Zhao, J.; Yu, X., Nanoporous Cu film/Cuplate with superior catalytic performance toward electro-oxidation of hydrazine, J. Power Sources, 2013, 222, 135.
5.Jia, F.; Wang, F.; Lin, Y.; Zhang, L.*, Microwave-Induced Formation of Platinum Nanostructured Networks with Superior Electrochemical Activity and Stability, Chem. Eur. J., 2011, 17, 14603.
6.Liu H.*; Zeng B.; Jia F.*, Direct growth of tellurium nanorod arrays on Pt/FTO/glass through a surfactant-assisted chemical reduction, Nanotechnology, 2011, 22, pp305608(5pp).
7.Jia F., Yu C.,Gong J., Zhang L., Hierarchical nanoporous gold film electrode with extra high surfacearea and electrochemical activity, Electrochem. Commun., 2009, 11, 1944.
8.Jia F., Wong K., Zhang L., Electrochemical synthesisof nanostructured palladium of different morphology directly on gold substratethrough a cyclic deposition/dissolution route, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009,113, 7200.
9. Jia F., Yu C., Ai Z., Zhang L., Fabrication of Nanoporous Gold Film Electrodes with Ultra High Surface Area and Electrochemical Activity, Chem. Mater., 2007, 19, 3648.
10.JiaF., Zhang L., Shang X., Yang Y., Nonaqueous Sol-Gel approach to the controllable synthesis of nickel nanospheres, nanowires, and nanoflowers, Adv. Mater., 2008, 20, 1050.