Chinese Version (中文版)
2011 Ph. D. Chemistry The City University of New York
2005 M.S c. Physical Chemistry Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2002 B. Eng. Chemical Engineering and Technology Wuhan Institute of Technology
Positions Held
2014 to now Associate Professor, College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University
2013 to 2014 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Minnesota (with Prof. Courtney Aldrich)
2011 to 2012 Research Associate, The City University of New York (with Distinguished Prof. Robert Bittman)
Research Fields and Interests
1. Fully synthetic carbohydrate cancervaccine
2.Chemistry and immunology of sphingolipids and glycolipids
Selected Publications
1. Liu, Z.; Liu, F.; Aldrich, C. C. Journal of organic chemistry 2015, 80, 6545.
2.Liu, Z.; Thacker, S. G.; Fernandez-Castillejo, S.; Neufeld, E. B.; Remaley, A. T.; Bittman, R. Chembiochem 2014, 15, 2087.
3. Liu, Z.; MacRitchie, N.; Pyne,S.; Pyne, N. J.; Bittman, R. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 21, 2503.
4. Liu, Z.; Courtney, A. N.;Metelitsa, L. S.; Bittman, R. Chem Bio Chem 2012, 13, 1733.
5.Liu, Z.; Bittman, R. Organic Letters 2012, 14, 620.
6.Liu, Z.; Byun, H.-S.; Bittman, R. Journal of Organic Chemistry (Featured Article) 2011, 76, 8588.
7. Liu, Z.; Byun, H.-S.; Bittman, R. Journal of Organic Chemistry (Featured Article) 2010, 75, 4356.
8.Liu, Z.; Byun, H.-S.; Bittman, R. Organic Letters 2010, 12, 2974.