Chinese Version (中文版)
1988-1992, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
1992-1997, Doctor of Philosophy in PesticideScience
Institute of Element-Organic Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin, P. R. China
2004.08~2005.02, Visiting Professor, College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky
2012.08, Visiting Professor, Mc Master University, Canada
Employment History
2014/01-present, Associate Vice President of CCNU
2013/11-present, Dean of the College of Science and Technology of CCNU
2003/12-present, Director of Key Laboratory of Pesticide & Chemical Biology, Ministry of Education, P. R. China
2002/03-2014/06, Dean of College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University, China
2001/09-present, Professor, Institute of Organic Synthesis, College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University, China
1998/09-2001/08, Associate Professor, Institute of Organic Synthesis, Central China Normal University, China
1997/07-1998/08, Lecturer, Institute of Organic Synthesis, Central China Normal University, China
Research Interests:
(1) Structure-based rational design of green bioactive molecules;
(2) Computational simulations on ligand-receptor interactions;
(3) Green Chemistry for Heterocycles;
(4) Chemical biology of Natural productand Its analogues.
Selected Publications:
1. Hao, G. F.; Jiang, W.; Ye, Y. N.; Wu, F. X.; Zhu, X. L.; Guo, F. B.;* Yang, G. F.* ACFIS: a web server for fragment-based drug discovery. Nucl. Acids. Res. 2016, 44, W550-W556.
2. Sun, Q.; Yang, S. H.; Wu, L.; Yang, W. C.;* Yang, G. F.* A highly sensitive and selective fluorescent probe for thiophenol designed via atwist blockage strategy. Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 2266-2272.
3. Hao, G. F.; Yang, S. G.; Huang, W.; Wang, L.; Shen, Y. Q.; Tu,W. L.; Li, H.; Huang, L. S.; Wu, J. W.; Berry, E. A.; Yang, G. F.* Discovery of Highly Potent and Slow-Binding Cytochrome bc1 Inhibitors as Fungicide by Computational Substitution Optimization. Sci. Rep. 2015, 5, 13471.
4. Wang, D. W.; Lin, H. Y.; Cao, R. J.; Yang, S. G.; Chen, Q.; Hao, G. F.; Yang, W. C.,* Yang, G. F.* Synthesis and Herbicidal Evaluation ofTriketone-containing Quinazoline-2,4-diones. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2014, 62,11786-11796.
5. Hao, G. F.; Wang, F.; Li, Hui, Zhu, X. L.; Yang, W. C.; Huang,L. S.; Wu, J. W.;* Berry, E. A.; Yang, G. F.* Computational Discovery of picomolar Qo site inhibitors of cytochrome bc1 complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012,134, 11168-11176.
Research group