Chinese Version (中文版)
Changlin Liu (born1962) received B. Sc. degree in Engineering in 1983 at Jiangxi Metallurgy College, M. Sc in Chemistry in 1986 at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, and Ph. D. in Chemistry in 2001 at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He held the position of Professor of Chemistry (2000-2006) at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and was appointed professor of Chemistry in 2006 at Central China Normal University.
Research Fields and Interests
Chemical biology, inorganic medicine
Structures, functions and inhibition of disease-linked metalloenzymes, DNA-metalloprotein interactions, ROS signaling.
Selected Publications
1. Liang Liu, Heng Zhang, Xianggao Meng, Jun Yin, Changlin Liu, Dinuclear metal(II) complexes of polybenzimidazole ligands as carriers for DNA delivery.Biomaterials2010, 31, 1380-1391.
2. Yong Zhang, L Chen, W Ying, Jun Ying, S Zhang, Changlin Liu, The chelation targetingmetal-Aβ40 aggregates may lead to formation of Aβ40 oligomers.Dalton Trans2011, 40, 4830-4833.
3. Xianggao Meng, LiangLiu, Heng Zhang, Yuanyuan Luo, Changlin Liu, Tris(benzimidazolyl)amine-Cu(II) coordination units bridgedby carboxylates: structures and DNA-condensing property.Dalton Trans2011, 40, 12846-12855.
4. Yin Jun, Meng Xianggao, Zhang Shibin, Zhang Dan, Wang Li,Liu Changlin, The effect of a nuclear localization sequence on transfection efficacy of genedelivered by cobalt(II)-polybenzimidazole complexes.Biomaterials2012,33, 7884-7894.
5. Huang Xueying, Dong Xiongwei, Li Xue, Meng Xianggao, Zhang Dan, Liu Changlin, Metal–polybenzimidazole complexes as a nonviral gene carrier: effects of theDNA affinity on gene delivery.J Inorg Biochem2013,129, 102-111.
6. Dan Zhao, Shibing Zhang, Yan Meng, Xiongwei Dong, Dan Zhang, Yi Liang, Li Wang, Changlin Liu, Polyanion binding accelerates the formation of stable and low-toxicaggregates of ALS-linked SOD1 mutant A4V.Proteins2 014, 82, 3356-3374.
7. Dan Zhao,Xiongwei Dong, Nan Jiang, Dan Zhang, Changlin Liu, Selective recognition of parallel and anti-parallel thrombin-binding aptamer G-quadruplexes by different fluorescent dyes. Nucleic Acids Research 2014, 42, 11612-11621.
8. Xiongwei Dong, Zhe Zhang, Dan Zhao, Yaojing Liu, Yan Meng, Yong Zhang, Dan Zhang, Changlin Liu, Ultraviolet light triggers the conversion of Cu2+-bound Aβ42 aggregates into cytotoxic species in a copper chelation-independent manner. Scientific Reports 2015, 5, 13897; DOI:10.1038/srep13897.
9. Xiongwei Dong, Zhe Zhang, Jidong Zhao, Juan Lei, Yuanyuan Chen, Xiang Li, Huanhuan Chen, Junli Tian, Dan Zhang, Chunrong Liu, Changlin Liu, The rational design of specific SOD1 inhibitors via copper coordination and their application in ROS signaling research. Chem Sci 2016, 7, 6251-6262.
10. Xiang Li, Xiongwei Dong, Yaojing Liu, YanMeng,Yong Zhang, Dan Zhang, Changlin Liu, Ultravioletirradiation-mediated formation of Aβ42 oligomers and reactive oxygen species in Zn2+-bound Aβ42 aggregates irrespective of the removal of Zn2+. N J Chem 2016, 40, 9385-9394.