Chinese Version (中文版)
12/2006— Professor, College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University
07/2003—12/2006 Postdoc. Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky
09/2000—06/2003 PhD, State Key Lab of Coordination Chemistry, Nanjing University
07/1996—08/2000 Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Central China Normal University
09/1993—07/1996 MS, Department of Chemistry, Central China Normal University
09/1989—07/1993 BS, Department of Chemistry, Central China Normal University
Research Fields and Interests
Coordination Chemistry, Molecular Magnetism, Bioinorganic Chemistry
Design, Syntheses and Properties of Novel Molecular Magnetic Materials, Functional Molecular Materials
Selected Publications
1. Chunyang Zheng, Juping Xu, Zhixin Yang, Jun Tao, and Dongfeng Li,* Factors Impacting Electron Transfer in Cyano-Bridged {Fe2Co2} Clusters, Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 9687-9689.
2. Lili Wen,* Xiaoyue Xu, Kangle Lv, Yumei Huang, Xiaofang Zheng, Li Zhou, Renqiang Sun, and Dongfeng Li,*Metal-Organic Frameworks Constructed from D-Camphor Acid: Bifunctional Properties Related to Luminescence Sensing and Liquid-Phase Separation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 4449-4455.
3. E. S. Koumousi, I.-R. Jeon,Q. Gao, P. Dechambenoit, D. N. Woodruff, P. Merzeau, L. Buisson, X. Jia, Dongfeng Li,*F. Volatron, C. Mathoniére,* and R. Clérac,*Metal-to-metalelectron transfer in Co/Fe prussian blue molecular analogues: the ultimate miniaturization, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 15461-15464.
4. Li Cao, Jun Tao, Qian Gao, Tao Liu, Zhengcai Xia and Dongfeng Li,*Selective on/off switching at roomtemperature of a magnetic bistable {Fe2Co2} complex withsingle crystal-to-single crystal transformation via intramolecular electrontransfer, Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 1665-1667. (backcover)
5. Xiaofang Zheng, Li Zhou, Yumei Huang, Chenggang Wang, Jingui Duan, Lili Wen,* Zhengfang Tian andDongfeng Li,*Aseries of metal-organic frameworks based on 5-(4-pyridyl)-isophthalic acid:selective sorption and fluorescence sensing, J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2, 12413-12422.
6. Feng Wang, Jinbo Zhao, Jingming Gong, Lili Wen,*Li Zhou, and Dongfeng Li,*New multifunctional porous materials based on inorganic-organic hybrid single-walled carbon nanotubes: gas storageand high-sensitive detection of pesticides, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 11804.
7. Yuanzhu Zhang, Dongfeng Li, Rodolphe Clerac,* Marguerite Kalisz, Corine Mathonière,* and Stephen M. Holmes,*Reversible thermally and photoinduced electron transfer in a cyano-bridged {Fe2Co2}square complex, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 3752-3756.
8. Dongfeng Li, R. Clérac, O. Roubeau, E. Harté, C. Mathonière, R. LeBris, S. M. Holmes,* Magnetic and optical bistability driven by thermally-and photo-induced intramolecular electron transfer in a molecular cobalt-ironprussian blue analogue, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 252-258.
9. P. Tyagi, Dongfeng Li, S. M. Holmes, B. J. Hinds,* Molecular electrodes at the exposed edge ofmetal-insulator-metal trilayer structures, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 4929-4938.
10. Dongfeng Li, S. Parkin, G. Wang, G. T. Yee, R. Clérac, W.Wernsdorfer and S. M. Holmes,*An S = 6 cyano-bridged octanuclear FeIII4NiII4complex that exhibits slow relaxation of the magnetization, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 4214-4215.
Honors and Awards
2007, Wuhan Youth Chenguang Science and Technology Plan
2008, Outstanding Youth Fund of Hubei Province
2009, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University
2010, Second Prize of Hubei Natural Science Award