Chinese Version (中文版)
1984.6 B.Sc., Department of Chemistry, Nanchang University, China.
1994.6 M.Sc., Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, China.
1999.6 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, China.
1999.11-2002.6 Post-doctoral Fellow/Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
2002.7- now Professor, College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University.
Research Fields and Interests
1.Design, synthesis and reactivity of organometalic complexes
2.Design, synthesis and properties of organometallic complexes for applications in luminescent materialand switching materials, molecular electronics
3.Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of chiral pesticide.
Selected Publications
1. Chen, Z.; Zhang, J.; Song, M.; Yin, J.;* Yu, G. –A.; Liu, S. H.*, Anovel luorine-based aggregation-induced emission (AIE)-active gold(I) complexwith crystallization-induced emission enhancement (CIEE) and reversible mechanochromism characteristics, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 326-329.
2. Kong, D. –D.; Xue, L. –S.; Jang, R.; Liu, B.; Meng, X. –G.; Jin, S. ;* Ou, Y. –P.; Hao, X.; Liu, S. H.* Conformational Tuning of the Intramolecular Electronic Couplingin Molecular-Wire Biruthenium Complexes Bridged by Biphenyl Derivatives. Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 9895 –9904.
3. Zhang, J.; Zhang, M.-X.; Sun, C.-F.; Xu, M.; Hartl, F.*; Yin, J.; Yu, G.-A.; Rao, L.*; Liu, S. H.* Diruthenium Complexes with Bridging Diethynyl Polyaromatic Ligands: Synthesis, Spectroelectrochemistry, and Theoretical Calculations, Organometallics, 2015, 34, 3967-3978.
4. Chen, Z.; Wu, D.; Han, X.; Liang, J.; Yin, J.;* Yu, G. –A.; Liu, S. H.*, Anovel fluorene-based gold(I) complex with aggregate fluorescence change: a single component white light-emitting luminophor, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 11033-11035.
5. Liang, J.; Chen, Z.; Xu, L.; Wang, J.; Yin, J.*; Yu, G. -A.; Chen, Z. -N.; Liu, S. H.* Aggregation-inducedemission-active gold(I) complexes with multi-stimuli luminescence switching, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2(12), 2243-2250.
6. Ou, Y.; Zhang, J.; Xu, M.; Xia, J.; Hartl, F.; Yin, J.; Yu, G.-A.; Liu, S. H.* Bridge-Localized HOMO-Binding Character of Divinylanthracene-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium Carbonyl Complexes: Spectroscopic, Spectroelectrochemical, and Computational Studies, Chem. Asian J. 2014, 9, 1152–1160.
7. Liang, J.; Chen, Z.; Yin, J.; Yu, G. –A.;* Liu, S. H.*, Aggregation-inducedemission (AIE) behavior and thermochromic luminescence properties of a new gold(I) complex. Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 3567-3569.
8. Xia, J. L.; Liu,S. H.*; Cozzi, F.; Mancinelli, M.; Mazzanti, A.*, An ExperimentalStudy on the Effect of Substituents on Aromatic–Aromatic Interactions inDithia[3,3]-metaparacyclophanes. Chemistry – A European Journal, 2012, 18, 3611-3620.
9.Xia, J. L.; Man, W. Y.; Zhu, X. X.; Zhang, C.; Jin, G. J.; Schauer, P. A.; Fox, M. A.; Yin, J.; Yu, G. A.; Low, P. J.*; Liu, S. H.* Synthesisand Characterization of Dithia[3.3]paracyclophane-Bridged Binuclear RutheniumVinyl and Alkynyl Complexes. Organometallics, 2012, 31(15), 5321–5333.
10. Li, Z.; Zhang, C. Ren, Y.; Yin, J.*; Liu, S. H.*, Amide- andUrea-Functionalized Dithienylethene: Synthesis, Photochromism, and Binding withHalide Anions, Org. Lett., 2011, 13(22), 6022-6025.
Honorsand Awards
2012, Academic Leadersin Wuhan Municipality
2010, The Second Prizeof Natural Science of Hubei Province
2006, Receive specialallowance from the State Council of China.
2004, New CenturyExcellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education